Contest: Win a Full Moon Art Collection Book!

New Book Collects Three Decades of Film Poster Art

Full Moon just announced the release of FULL MOON FEATURES: THE ART COLLECTION, an 84 page, 12×9 coffee table tome that collects a library of arresting promotional artwork culled from dozens of our legendary franchise horror films.

Inside this incredible book you’ll find lush and lively posters for films from the PUPPET MASTER, KILLJOY, DEMONIC TOYS, TRANCERS, THE GINGERDEAD MAN, EVIL BONG and SUBSPECIES franchises and many more besides. Here, collected for the first time, fans can have the original art they grew up with, couple with jaw-dropping international poster and one-sheet art used to promote these immortal pictures in various countries and territories around the world. 

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Consuming the Wolf: Reflections on HALLOWEEN (2018)

Slasher Sequel Might be a Fairy Tale in Disguise

By Nigel Parkin

Many things about David Gordon Green’s new ‘telling’ of HALLOWEEN made me want to cheer but perhaps the most powerful of these was the way it highlights and resolves the potent elements of fairy tale that have been breathing deeply in the shadows of this narrative from the very beginning.

No one can have missed the significance of Laurie’s new status as the Grandmother who lives in the woods. But it’s possible many people acknowledged this simply as a neat way of turning an ancient archetype onto her head and bringing her literally kicking and screaming into 2018. The truth is much deeper and darker than that. Let’s consider the version of the ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ story as collected by the Brothers Grimm and introduced to readers in English two hundred years ago. In that version a hunter enters the Grandmother’s house to find the wolf sleeping heavily, its belly hugely distended with the hungrily consumed bodies of Little Red Riding Hood and her grandmother. The hunter cuts open the wolf’s belly and draws out both figures, symbolically performing a cesarean section and allowing them to be ‘reborn’, in the girl’s case into a world of adult awareness…and fury. The girl’s immediate action is to collect heavy stones which the three then work together to stuff into the wolf’s belly before sewing it back up so that when it wakes and tries to leap at them afresh in instinctive response to new hunger it will tear itself apart.

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Blu-ray Review: MANDY

Acclaimed hallucinatory horror drama is now on Blu-ray

There’s a primal, animal power that propels director Panos Cosmatos’s acclaimed experimental horror head-trip MANDY. A kind of danger pulsing beneath its arcane imagery, bubbling-forth from its moaning electronic music and arch, hissing dialogue. The film just feels alien. It feels evil.  It courses with a sort of seething darkness and descends into such brain-swelling madness that you can almost smell it.

Since its early festival appearances, the picture has armed itself with a torrent of critical buzz and within weeks of its brief theatrical release has become an instant cult film. And it deserves its reputation and its fevered following. Certainly the presence of contemporary expressionist actor Nicolas Cage as its rage-riddled protagonist has provided the hook in which MANDY has mysteriously ingrained itself into the mainstream, with many scribes citing that Cosmatos (who previously gave us the bizarre and even harder to grasp BEYOND THE BLACK RAINBOW) had finally given Cage the psychedelic landscape in which his brand of bug-eyed, screaming method acting could thrive, or at least seem less glaringly misplaced. They’re half right. This is one of the most ideal cinematic landscapes for the performer to play in, but his work here is not merely camp, nor is- despite its over-the-edge nature – the film itself. MANDY is in fact a grand guignol phantasmagoria of the highest order, a living, breathing work of art and a bona fide nightmare blasted onto the parameters of the moving picture.

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The legendary mutant sheep cult film is out now from AGFA and Something Weird Video

It’s not easy reviewing a film as singularly fucking insane as Fredric C. Hobbs’ jaw-dropping 1973 freak-out GODMONSTER OF INDIAN FLATS.  So much has been written and spoken about the picture, mostly by people saddling it with the dreaded “so bad it’s good” handle and certainly, it would be easy to dismiss this Something Weird Video favorite as a slab of inept trash made by desert-touched madmen who lapped up too much LSD in the late ’60s. But GODMONSTER is anything but a bad film (more like a baaaaaaad film). Rather it’s an almost experimental, totally unpredictable and fever-pitched horror-western that seems beamed-in from another dimension and it simply refuses to behave by any conventional film structure standards. It leaks a kind of authentic, hard-wired weirdness that so many other phony baloney “cult” filmmakers have forever tried hard to capture, but that’s impossible to fabricate. And while it often feels like a forgotten Alejandro Jodorowsky movie, I’d much rather watch GODMONSTER than THE HOLY MOUNTAIN any day of the week.

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Blu-ray Review: BERSERK and STRAIT-JACKET Psycho Biddy Double Feature

A Pair of Joan Crawford Shockers Come to Blu-ray

Anyone who saw the recent FX series FEUD, knows the story of Hollywood legends and career-long “frenemies” Bette Davis and Joan Crawford. That remarkable and wildly entertaining show saw Susan Sarandon and Jessica Lange as Davis and Crawford, respectively, who lay down their never-ending professional rivalries long enough to co-star in director Robert Aldrich’s hyper-melodramatic Gothic shocker WHATEVER HAPPENED TO BABY JANE in 1962. As both glamorous leading ladies were well-into middle age at this point, with decent roles drying up (as they often did and sadly still do for women in cinema), the chance to essay such intelligently written and scenery chewing characters was a gift and with the critical and commercial success of the film, an unofficial sub-genre of horror film often called”Hagsploitation” was born. Both Davis and Crawford would lead the pack in these sorts of films (along with others like Shelley Winters, Olivia de Havilland et al), which always saw women past their youthful primes driven to madness and often committing murder or just so far gone into psychosis that they become easy marks for the plots of others. Watching “earth mothers” and noted aging screen beauties go bonkers translated into boffo box office…

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Wild Eurotrash flick comes to DVD remastered and uncut from Full Moon

Full Moon has released the cover art for their new DVD release of Erwin C. Dietrich’s obscure 70’s exploitation gem SWEDISH BOARDING SCHOOL GIRLS!

Here’s the synopsis:

From the leering, lusty and lascivious mind of Swiss sex film Sultan Erwin C. Dietrich comes one of the most delightfully dirty movies of his career: SWEDISH BOARDING SCHOOL GIRLS!

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Serial killer drama coming this November from IFC Midnight

Films charting small-town serial killers and their effect on the population are omnipresent in cinema, literature and television and yet Duncan Skiles’ directorial debut THE CLOVEHITCH KILLER is just a dash different. And it’s that kink in convention that makes it such a shocking and hypnotic piece of work.

The film stars Charlie Plummer (ALL THE MONEY IN THE WORLD) as Tyler, a teenager coming-of-age in a Christian bible-belt community recovering from the grip of a serial sex-killer. Tyler is just discovering girls and one night, when taking a young lady out on a date, she discovers a crumpled image of a woman bound and gagged stuffed down the passenger seat of his truck. Repulsed, she asks to be taken home, despite Tyler’s insistence that the picture is not his and he’s telling the truth. Because this truck actually belongs to his dad Don (Dylan McDermott, AMERICAN HORROR STORY), an upstanding member of the community and a loving family man.

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Mike Flanagan’s Netflix series is among the greatest haunted house tales ever filmed

Many years ago, when I was coming of age as a horror film obsessive, my mother mentioned that – to her- the scariest film ever made was Robert Wise’s 1963 movie THE HAUNTING. She cited the lack of blood, of violence, of anything remotely exploitative in the picture and praised the way it had the power to terrify with sound and mood and the reactions of its characters to things that went bump in the night. For someone who was in love with FANGORIA magazines and who was waking up in the era of practical special FX from goremeisters like Tom Savini, this sort of antiquated picture seemed a bit too tame for me. But then I saw the film. And I got it. And man, did it get me…

Wise’s adaptation of Shirley Jackson’s novel “The Haunting of Hill House” is indeed a marvel of dread and seems only more powerful when stacked against Jan de Bon’t vulgar 1999 FX-soaked stinker of a remake, a migraine-inducing dud that fills in all the delicate blanks of its predecessor with unimaginative shocks and overbaked imagery. News of yet another mounting of Jackson’s tale, this time as a Netflix series, might have annoyed some of THE HAUNTING’s puritanical fanbase (especially in the wake of that de Bont bummer), but turns out there’s no need to fret. Because this new incarnation, THE HAUNTING OF HILL HOUSE, is helmed by OCULUS and OUIJA 2 director Mike Flanagan, a director who is probably the only voice in contemporary horror worthy of the moniker “master”. Here is a filmmaker who truly, deeply understands the mechanics of the haunted house drama, who almost always shows a deft hand at balancing character and carnage and refuses to submit to cheap shocks and savagery. Flanagan developed, wrote and directed every episode of THE HAUNTING OF HILL HOUSE, making this the ultimate Flanagan experience, a ten hour free-fall into domestic hell that honors the source novel and the Wise film and still manages to feel contemporary, fresh and accessible.

In short, it’s one of the greatest small-screen horror entertainments I have ever seen.

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Welcome to the New Flesh: has been Reborn!

Dear Delirium Readers –

To time with the impending release of the upcoming DELIRIUM Magazine #18, artist and designer Chad Savage has totally re-vamped our web portal! In the coming weeks, expect a new wave of fresh, original content, including film and music reviews, exclusive interviews, essays and news as well as sneak peek looks at pages from our acclaimed print magazine!

Here’s a page from our exclusive interview with Oscar nominated screenwriter (GLADIATOR, SWEENEY TODD, SKYFALL, ALIEN: COVENANT) and PENNY DREADFUL creator John Logan, discussing his adoration of both Shakespeare AND horror movies. It’s a wild read!

This feature and tons more await you in our David Cronenberg-heavy 18th issue (scroll down to see our incredible cover by photographer Ama Lea) and you can order that issue now by going HERE!

Keep visiting and explore some of the great editorial we’ll be running. At DELIRIUM, we’re not just riffing on horror movies, but ALL cult, fantasy, exploitation and oddball cinema. We just throw all our messy shared psyches at the wall and whatever sticks ends up in our magazine, and now…here. You never know what you’re gonna get.

Thanks for reading and sticking with us. Things are about to get weird (er)!

– Chris Alexander, EIC and co-founder, DELIRIUM Magazine

Delirium Magazine Issue #18 (includes FREE Mystery Blu-ray)

Shipping October 25th, our 18th issue sees photographer Ama Lea locking down “The Lord of the New Flesh” himself, iconic director David Cronenberg for an EXCLUSIVE cover and inner-gallery photo shoot. Inside you’ll find tons of Cronenberg content, interviews with DC, Debbie Harry, Oscar-nominated screenwriter and Penny Dreadful creator John Logan, actress and performer Tristan Risk, THE RANGER’s Heather Buckley and Jenn Wexler plus the history of CHARLTON COMICS and so much more awesomeness!